Adult speech therapy can help improve capabilities and confidence for persons with speech, language, cognition or swallowing problems. Adults may need speech therapy for a variety of reasons. It’s never too early to start speech therapy when your communication or swallowing is affected.

Sometimes speech and swallowing problems have persisted for a while and therapy has either not been tried or wasn’t completed during previous attempts. Many adults feel it’s “too late” to change or improve speech or swallowing problems but this rarely is the case. Here are some questions you can ask yourself as you try to decide. 

  • Do you cough or choke when eating or drinking?

  • Is your speech slurred?

  • Do you struggle to remember to take your medication or remember important dates?

  • Do you stutter or stammer when speaking?

  • Is your voice hoarse or raspy?

  • Is your voice getting softer and softer?

  • Can you not think of words you want to say?

  • Do you have problems understanding what others are saying to you?

  • Are you or a loved one avoiding social situations because of communication or swallowing problems? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions for yourself or a loved one, speech therapy may help. The experienced speech pathologists at SpeechPath Ohio want to hear your story and help improve your communication, cognition and swallowing abilities. Call today to schedule an evaluation. 
